Name: Jesper Schmidt
Book(s) Title: Desolation Series Title: The Keystone Bone Trilogy Genre(s): Fantasy Tell us a little about yourself? Perhaps something not many people know? I'm Danish and live together with my wife and two sons, just south west of Copenhagen. It's about a 40 minute drive, so we enjoy some more peace and quietness down here. What most people don't know is that I used to earn a living from sailing on cable ships. I was testing and repairing fiber-optic sea cables. It was in fact my first job in telecommunications. Million dollar question, are you working on another book? I am indeed. Desolation was the first book in the Keystone Bone trilogy, followed by Degradation, which was the second book that released not that long ago. I'm now fully into plotting the third and final instalment of the series. I won't reveal the title just yet, but I guess you can spot the trend based on the titles of the first two books in the trilogy. Can't you? What do you think about the ebook revolution? This is a big topic and I could probably go on and on. Many opinions have been voiced both pro and con ebooks - and often bashing indie publishing. Whichever way you look at it though, I don't think anyone can argue against the fact that the introduction of the ebook has made writing a possible occupation for many. Anyone can now circumvent the gatekeepers at the traditional publishing houses if they want to. This level of freedom comes with responsibilities though... A responsibility to treat writing as a profession; at least if you want to make a living from it. This involves producing a professional book cover, having the book worked on by an editor, and basically all the steps necessary to put a quality product on the market. As long as we treat it with the respect it deserves, I do think that the ebook revolution has opened many doors. And not only for writers. Readers can now get books cheaper than ever before. Do you still write? If so, what does your typical day look like? I manage a very demanding full time job alongside my writing, so it's not always easy to get everything done. It involves getting up very early in the morning and get to writing first thing. I'm actually running a YouTube channel as well and one of my videos covers what a typical writing day looks like for me. If you are interested you can watch it here: Pen or type writer or computer? Oh, it would take way too long to write things out by the use of pen or even a type writer. In fact, I also find writing on the computer too slow. I have therefore embarked on a new journey. My plan is to "write" book 3 of the Keystone Bone trilogy using dictation. We will see how that goes, but if successful that might be my method going forward. Music or silence? I have to have silence around me when writing. Otherwise, I get distracted. Actually, it's going to be interesting when I get into dictation as the plan is to "write" while out walking. That is an environment with many potential distractions, but I like the idea of being outside too much to not give it a try. What tactics do you have when writing? (For example: outline or just write) I'm a very firm believer of outlining. When I first started out, I just wrote though. The result was that I had to scrap 50k words of the first book in the Keystone Bone trilogy. It was three months of hard work down the drain, but it had to be done. So I started over. It felt terrible and I learned a valuable lesson. I have worked in project management for more than a decade, and if I have learned anything, it is to plan ahead. That's how my brain works and I should have known better. Oh, well... What is/are your book(s) about? The main character, Aea, lost her family as a child and now pregnant herself, her troubled life seems finally to be turning for the better. She discovers that her mother and sister are still alive, but if she wants to save them she will have to leave the symbiotic shelter of the forest which keeps her race alive. Aea finds herself in a race against time, while an ancient demon lord begins his revenge against a world that imprisoned him eons ago. Even the great dragon, the last of his kin, will have to alter his plans of invasion to begin a chase for the long-forgotten Keystone Bone. Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story? No, I'm in full control. I know exactly what is going to happen in every single chapter before I write the first word. That said, during the outlining process something unexpected can pop up. Most of the time, it's just a matter of embracing it and see where it takes me. What book that you have read has most influenced your life? I will have to go with some of the classics. Lord of the Rings, The Dragonlance Chronicles and the vampire books by Anne Rice have all had a major influence on my love for fantasy. What gives you inspiration for your book(s)? If you will allow me to keep it brief, because this is actually another topic I covered in one of my videos: Amazon Author Page Link: Twitter Handle: @schmidtjesper Facebook Page Link: Get his books on Amazon!!!
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