Name: Jessica Edwards
Book(s) Title: Chasing the Omega, Chasing the Beta Series Title: Small Town Genre(s): Paranormal, Mystery, Romance What made you want to become a writer? Honestly, I never thought I was going to be a writer. It didn't even cross my mind that writing books was something I was ever going to do. When I was sixteen years old, I was studying Performing Arts in college, preparing for a future in acting. It took me two years to realize that acting wasn't something I wanted to do. Thinking about doing acting in the future, didn't bring a smile to my face. So I think after realizing that, I started asking myself what it is that I enjoy doing, and I couldn't think of anything other than reading books. I love to read, so that should've been a clue. It all started when I was thinking of a story in my head. The story's about a girl who one night gets mysteriously bitten by a wolf on the full moon. I didn't think much of it considering I always have stories in my head, so I just ignored it, but for some reason I was thinking about this story every single day, and I started to wonder if maybe this meant something. I messaged one of my favourite authors, Kendall Ryan, and she told me to plan it and get started. I'll never forget that moment when I started writing the first few chapters, and getting that feeling of 'This is what I'm meant to be doing. This is what brings me happiness,' and writing does bring a smile to my face. Million dollar question, are you working on another book? Yes! I'm currently working on the third and final book of the Small Town series, 'Chasing the Alpha.' Music or silence? Both actually. I like silence because I tend to act out the dialogue's between the characters, but I also love listening to music because somehow it inspires me, but that's odd considering I listen to Kpop, but it works. What is/are your book(s) about? The Small Town series is about an eighteen year old girl called Alice Smith, who night gets mysteriously bitten by a wolf on the full moon. There's shapeshifters, mutilated bodies, romance and a mystery to solve in it. If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day? (PG-13 please :) ONE OF MY FAVORITE QUESTIONS TO ASK. I would probably spend time with Max from the Small Town series. He's one of the main characters in the series who also falls for the main heroine. I enjoy writing his scenes in particular because he's the mysterious new guy in school who ends in the middle of all this mystery. As the writer, I'm mostly drawn to him than any of the other characters, and for some reason I've fallen for him after writing the second book. Honestly, I would love to just be in his company, I wouldn't care if we sat down all day long doing nothing, but if we had to hang out, I'd probably take him to the cinema and than take him out for food. I'm not a very outgoing person, I like to stay at home most of the time and read. What has been the best compliment? The best compliment I've ever recieved was someone saying that I inspire them. I've had a few people telling me this and it's an indescribable feeling. Who is your favorite author? My favourite author is Pepper Winters. She's absolutely amazing! I'd recommend her books to anyone. Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination? Most of them were from my imagination. Could you tell us a bit about your most recent book and why it is a must-read? Chasing the Beta is the sequel for Chasing the Omega. Book 1 ended on a huge cliffhanger so I can't really say much about what happens in Chasing the Beta, but out of the two books this is my favourite because we get to know the characters a little better, and Book 2 has answers for the questions that people might've had from the first book. I can't express how much I love the second book! Of all the characters you have created, which is your favorite and why? My favourite character is definitely Sam from the Small Town series. She's the main characters best friend. She supports the main character (Alice) every step of the way because she's turning into a wolf. The reason why she's my favourite character because she isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. She doesn't care who she's talking to or who that person may be, she just carries on to say what she wants. Sam kind of reminds me of my sister who basically says it as it is, so I think that's where I got the idea of Sam Frey. Tell us a little about your plans for the future. Where do you see yourself as a writer in five years? I can't imagine what the future holds for me in five years, I just hope that it's a happy one. I'll probably self publish more books. Books of different genres, possibly another series, I'm not sure yet about what, but It'll come to me. Even though I've applied to universities this year to study Creative Writing, it's very unlikely that I'll be going because I'm doing what I love already, and that's to write books and share it with everyone. My goal is to only inspire aspiring writers to write their own books. Favorite book? Currently, my favourite book is Paper Princess by Erin Watt. If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose? Definitely A Song of Ice and Fire. I absolutely love Game of Thrones! What genre do you consider your books? Have you considered writing in another genre? The Small Town series is a Paranormal Romance and Mystery. I personally would like to write more Romance books, and maybe a couple of young adult books considering I'm 19 years old. My brother wants me to write a book set in World War I, but I wasn't very good at History in school, so I think that book will be a challenge for me, but I love a good challenge. What character in your book are you least likely to get along with? Probably Silver. She's not a very nice person, and I don't get along well with people like that. I like to surround myself with kind and positive people. Amazon Author Page Link: Twitter Handle: Check out her books on Amazon!
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